
venerdì 6 maggio 2011

progetto "Visible Paleo-Earth"

Visita la pagina web del progetto.

240 milioni di anni fa (Anisico - Triassico medio). 
"This computer animation shows Earth's Sun facing side 240 million years ago during a full year. Earth is rotating just once per month to appreciate the land areas (otherwise ~380 rotations/year in the time frame of the video will be too fast). As Earth moves around the Sun, the North and South Hemisphere alternate exposing more areas to the Sun due to Earth's axis inclination of ~25°, and causing seasonal changes." This is a test animation with dynamics clouds as part of the Visible Paleo-Earth Project of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory @ UPR Arecibo

Un possibile scenario dell'epoca, in qualche zona emersa di quella che diventerà la regione alpina: Helveticosaurus distesi sulle rocce, indifferenti verso l'infrangersi delle onde, mentre si avvicina l'arcosauro carnivoro Ticinosuchus. (opera di Douglas Henderson --> Dawn of the Dinosaurs: life in the Triassic/ 2006)

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